Losing Bobby

“I felt like Dean took Bobby’s death harder than their dad’s.”

Someone mentioned this to me the other day and it got me thinking: he really did. Dean did take Bobby’s death harder than John’s. By the time that John passed away, Dean was on the verge of utter frustration and hurt from John’s overwhelming desire to simply kill the demon. This is the entire reason that the Winchester’s do what they do; and the thing that John and Sam are completely willing to lose their lives fighting.

Dean was so angry with both of them. He had realized how closely connected Sam and John were. I think that on some level, there was a feeling of jealousy. Dean spent his whole life trying to be his dad, and Sam spent his trying to run away from the life; without even trying, Sam was everything Dean was trying to be. When Dean lost John, he lost his identity.

Bobby was Dean’s anchor. After losing John, whenever the boys needed help on a case, when they were fighting, anything that they ever needed- Bobby was there. Always.

You’re gonna play catch like a regular snot-nosed little kid!

If you remember, we get a glimpse in Death’s Door of how far back Bobby’s relationship goes with the boys. Bobby says it himself, “…I adopted two boys and they turned out to be… heros.”
“They’re MY BOYS!”

It’s been difficult for Dean these past few episodes. The plats have been focused a lot on Dean and his perspective. I think this is why the editors didn’t show us Bobby’s ghost burning up when they threw the flask into the fire. As hard as everything has been for Dean- watching Bobby die, slowly watching him turn into a vengeful spirit; losing Bobby for good… Dean doesn’t want to see that. He can’t handle any more loss, he refuses to accept it, “…We’ve been through enough.”

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