Executive Producer: Sera Gamble

Supernatural’s Sera Gamble has decided to leave the show now that this seventh season has ended. She has been with the television series since its first season in 2005. Maybe I’m a biased aspiring female Producer/Director, but she has been my favorite on the production team.

She has just been such an inspiration to me. So, you can imagine that I got pretty heated after reading THIS ARTICLE. And perhaps I did overreact. I am not saying that his points are completely invalid, but I am simply going to take the time to counter the argument that she has done little to nothing the last few seasons. I do agree that it has been slow going; however, I also believe, strongly, that her influence and written episodes have been fundamental parts to Dean (Jenson Ackles) and Sam’s (Jarod Padalecki) character development.

I will preface my opinions and comments with the fact that I have spent the last 2 months watching all of the episodes Sera Gamble has written from Season 1-7 and am completely caught up on the show as a viewer, analyst and aspiring Production member in film/television and theatre.

This project will be broken up by season so as not to write somewhat of a novel in one post. But be ready.

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